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1 December 2001 Helocarpon lesdainii (Lichens, Helocarpaceae) in the Pacific Northwest
Othmar Breuss
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The lecideoid lichen Helocarpon lesdainii (Zahlbr.) Breuss, comb. nova is reported new to the United States from coastal forests of Oregon. Originally described as Lecidea lesdainii Zahlbr. from the Canary Islands, the species seems to be locally abundant in the Pacific Northwest.

Othmar Breuss "Helocarpon lesdainii (Lichens, Helocarpaceae) in the Pacific Northwest," The Bryologist 104(4), 600-601, (1 December 2001).[0600:HLLHIT]2.0.CO;2
Received: 29 March 2001; Accepted: 1 July 2001; Published: 1 December 2001
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